Recycling Connections has a passion for composting.
While we have strong interests in all things related to waste reduction, recycling and solid waste, we're quick to admit that
composting is nearest and dearest to our hearts. Here you can find products, information, and assistance to help you get started with diverting organics from the landfill.
Basics of Backyard Composting
For over two decades, Recycling Connections has provided residents with information and resources on backyard composting.
For a handout titled "Backyard Compost Basics," click HERE.
Video Recorded April 2024 providing the basics of backyard composting.
This presentation was given in partnership with Marathon County Solid Waste Department in Fall 2021.
This 1-minute clip shows how one homeowner prepares their compost bin system in the fall to be able to collect food scraps all winter long.

Mike Aprill was interviewed May 2024 to share best practices for school composting. He works as a teacher in Sheboygan and has 10 years experience composting in schools.
Wisconsin DPI filmed Susan Schuller in 2023 for a Farm to School Composting Workshop. Listen to a 10-minute overview of composting.

Compost Related Programming & Offers
Home Composter Bins & Kitchen Katcher Pail Sales (since 1998)
To encourage home / backyard composting, we sell the Home Composter™ compost bins from our office in Stevens Point and at various local events we attend. We also sell a Kitchen Katcher stainless steel pail that works great to collect food scraps for composting in your bin outside.
ORDER ONLINE (Note: Items must be picked up from the office.)
Group Compost Bin Purchase Program for Communities
(In Wisconsin since 1998)
Recycling Connections coordinates an annual ‘bulk’ purchase of Home Composter™ compost bins on behalf of municipalities, organizations or groups interested in selling compost bins as a way to promote backyard composting in their community and/or use as a fundraiser. Learn more by clicking HERE.
Demonstration on how to assemble the Home Composter™.
Backyard Composting & Vermicomposting Education Services
We offer education and outreach related to backyard composting and vermicomposting. If your community or organization is interested in a composting presentation or workshop please contact us. We'd be happy to work with you and offer a workshop to suit your specific needs.

RESOURCES: Small Scale / do-it-yourself composting
Complimentary Backyard Composting Resource (Institute for Local Self Reliance)
3 Bin Composting System Designs (this design also works well reusing pallets)
RESOURCES: Large Scale composting and/or organics diversion
Natural Resources Defense Council's Save the Food campaign
Community Composting Resources and Mid- to Large-Scale Composting Information can be found at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance.
Soil Health Information and Education from Kiss the Ground. Excellent videos and resources on composting, climate change, and soil restoration.