We have curated a list of resources to help you with your educational goals related to waste reduction, recycling, composting, and resource conservation. Click below to connect with resources to help you succeed.
Online Videos from Recycling Connections on Wisconsin School Composting. Visit our Compost Resource Page - Click Here.
Composting Onsite at Schools by ILSR (2018). Good illustrations and steps to be successful. This is a 24 guide that focuses on schools who plan to compost onsite.
School Composting: Let's Get Growing by Cornell University (2017) A great 16 page guide for any school.
The ABCs of Establishing an Effective Composting Program at Schools by Chittenden County, VT. (2007). A straightforward guide (9 pgs) with great tips.
School Composting: A Manual for Connecticut Schools by the Town of Manfield, CT & Dept of Enviromental Protection-Recycling Program. (2002) A very comprehensive guide for school composting programs. Includes an array of design, construction, and lessons. A 98 pg manual.
Recycling & Waste Reduction Guide by WI DNR (2012). An excellent 7 page guide to help improve recycling and waste reduction in schools.
GHS Wisconsin-Recycling & Waste Management Focus Area Tips, Resources, and Ideas for Recycling & Waste Management in Schools by Green & Healthy Schools WI (2016). Wisconsin specific to connect to resources and success stories of schools improving their recycling and waste reduction efforts.
Tools to Reduce Waste in Schools by US EPA (2007). A comprehensive guide for schools, districts, and school business officials to increase efficiencies in waste management in school.
Green Locker Clean-out Guide by Seven Generations Ahead (2019). A guide to organize a school clean out at the end of a semester or school year to reduce waste and reclaim unused materials.
Ditching Disposables: A Toolkit for Healthier Foodware in K-12 Schools by the Center for Environmental Health (2021). This toolkit is designed to help K-12 schools make the transition from single-use food service ware to healthier, more sustainable alternatives.
Sharing the Table: A Roadmap to Reducing & Recovering Surplus Food in Schools by the Center for Green Schools: USGBC (2019) An excellent resource for helping your school reduce waste in the cafeteria and increase food recovery of uneaten and unopened foods.
Cafeteria Trash is Cash Webinar by Carton Council (2019). Recycling Connections was one of three guest speakers on this national webinar to help school reduce cafeteria waste and increase efficiencies.
Recycling Milk Cartons and Juice Containers in Schools by Carton Council.Great lesson ideas, resources, and tips to launch or support your carton recycling program.
Additional Lesson Ideas
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has additional lesson ideas on composting and other environmental topics online at Wisconsin Environmental Literacy and Sustainability.
Youth action projects, guest speakers, tours, and fundraising ideas for enhancing learning outside the classroom walls.

Learn how much waste is collected for disposal, whether to put in a landfill or to be sent for recycling. This gives you real data and information to help identify where to focus your efforts to increase efficiencies in waste and recycling collections at school (or home).
The U.S. EPA and USDA created a document in 2017 titled "A Guide to Conducting Student Food Waste Audits: A Resource for Schools."

Where is "away?" Give students the opportunity to follow where their trash and recycling goes will offer an unforgettable experience.
Contact your local Solid Waste Management Department, the closest Material Recovery Facility (MRF), or Sanitary Landfill to ask about tour opportunities.

Fund your projects! Here are some solid waste and recycling ideas to generate funds.
Grants from Carton Council to increase carton recycling at school.
TerraCycle for unique items for recycling
Recycle electronics and get money back. Here are a few options

Contact Recycling Connections for speaker opportunities. We offer remote presentations and cater to your learning targets, grade levels, and curriculum areas as it relates to solid waste, reuse, conservation, recycling, compost, and resource recovery.
Face to face talks are possible for schools within a 50 mile radius of Stevens Point.
Contact Susan(at) to learn more.

To reach your educational goals, we can help. Contact us!
Not finding what you were looking for? Send us your questions or set a time to talk.

Recycling Connections is a proud Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin Provider and Focus Area Contact for Recycling & Sustainable Waste Management in School ideas. We are here to assist with the recycling and waste management focus area.
Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin has a mission to empower, support, & recognize
schools for nurturing healthy kids and sustainable communities.