gardens for
STEVENS Point'S schools

Recycling Connections and the City of Stevens Point Public Utilities Department is working with 6 schools in the City of Stevens Point over the next 3 years offering schools services and support to design, install, and use a school rain garden (or native prairie garden).

The goal is to have a rain garden (or native prairie garden) demonstration site at schools in the City of Stevens Point to show the benefits of using native plants for stormwater management.
There are many benefits of rain gardens such as:
improving groundwater
protecting streams and lakes
preventing flooding
supporting pollinators

Awarded schools receive 18-month support they need to fully fund the installation of a rain garden or native garden at a local school, and provide funds for professional development and resources.
Funds to the school includes:
staff support for proper site placement,
expert advice on design suited for the school,
coordination for a planting in the spring or fall,
garden supplies,
purchase of native plants,
a compost bin,
garden signs, and
professional development to use the garden for lesson integration opportunities.

Participating Schools
Awarded Schools include:
2023 Install:
Ben Franklin Junior High -
Wisconsin River Academy - SPASH
2024 Install:
McKinley Elementary School
Point of Discovery School
2025 Install:
Washington Elementary
Madison Elementary
After the selected school(s) are announced in the fall 2022, the 18 month support begins:
January– Team Meeting: Overall school goals and program explanation
February– Team Meeting: Site Planning & Design
March– Team Meeting: Site Planning & Plant Selection
April– Team Meeting: Coordinating Volunteer Day & Summer Maintenance Schedule
May/Early June– The Planting Day (exact date TBD or it could be a September / fall install)
Summer – Watering Schedule and Monthly Weeding
August - Using the Garden Workshop. Set objectives for using the garden with different classes.
Fall - Seed Collecting & Professional Development/guest speakers as requested
January/February - Team Meeting: Planning for spring event
March/April - Team Meeting: Planning for spring garden celebration and plan for summer maintenance
May - Garden Tour & School Celebration
This program provides access to guest speakers and support lessons as needed and requested by the school.
Photo credit on images used on this webpage: Susan Schuller

Green & Healthy School Team at Madison Elementary
Stevens Point, WI